Dehu Pére and Fils

Champagne Dehu Tradition Brut

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Clear and brilliant colors, lemon-yellow glints. Exotic scents of pineapple, papaya and orange blossom. Generous and full-bodied with a start of fresh pineapple and plum, then wild fruit, black currant and blueberry. Only Celerier's Cellar sells this wine in the USA.

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40 years old
Certified HVE. Estate farmed with organic and biodynaic techniques (Benoit Déhu produce another line of biodynamic champagne). Recoltant Co-operator (RC) but with a specific model of only selling to the co-operative, not sourcing anything from them. Pruning Marne Valley for Pinot Meunier and Guyot for all other varietals, all done by hand in winter. Cane chipped on site to turn into fertilizer.Tye up with biodegradable woodenstapples. Disbudding and leaves removal adapted. Organic treatments only and even biodynamc onto specific plots. Grass is grown naturaly. Plowing by hand if needed. Harvest done by Hand.
Full clusters pressed in stainless steel pneumatic press. Only keep cuvee juice. Extraction of the pruine yeast. Segmentation juice by grappe varietal and soil. Static settling for 24 hours. Cold alcoholic fermentation in stainless steel tank. Malolactic fermentation done in the same tank. Blend of cuvee, dosage brut addition and bottled for second fermentation. Riddling, aging, disgorging for a total of 36 month (like a vintage champagne).
Pinot Meunier 75%, Pinot Noir 10%, Chardonnay 15%
60,000 bottles
Marne Valley, Champagne, France
Middle bartonian, marl, limestone, green clay
Non Vintage

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